Shinka Mori

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mori dot shinka at gmail dot com

Master's in Computer Science
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor




I'm a recent Master's in Computer Science graduate of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (currently open to jobs), where I was a part of the Language and Technology lab, directed by Rada Mihalcea.

My research focus is around Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, and I have worked on a diverse range of NLP projects and papers ranging from biomedical NLP, Machine Translation, and NLP for mental health.

I went to the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign for my Bachelor's in Computer Science. I worked under Professor Halil Kılıçoglu as well as Professor Lane Schwartz. I have published a paper on Machine Translation in Japanese and English with Professor Schwartz and Giang Ha Le.


Extending the NeuroDecipher - Shinka Mori, Abhishek Mishra, Vansh Dhar, Vaibhav Vats, Kushal Agarwal

Extension of the NeuroDecipher paper by Luo et al, 2019 . Group project for the CSCI544(Advanced Natural Language Processing) Course at USC.

We built upon the works by Luo et al's NeuroDecipher, a neural network model that facilitates the process of finding cognates. Our proposed model is able to identify 81% of the cognates correctly between Ugaritic (lost) and Hebrew (known) languages and beats the state-of-the-art performance by 15.13%. Report available here.


Towards Algorithmic Fidelity: Mental Health Representation across Demographics in Synthetic vs. Human-generated Data - Shinka Mori, Oana Ignat, Andrew Lee, Rada Mihalcea.

Has It All Been Solved? Open NLP Research Questions Not Solved by Large Language Models - Oana Ignat, Zhijing Jin, Artem Abzaliev, Laura Biester, Santiago Castro, Naihao Deng, Xinyi Gao, Aylin Gunal, Jacky He, Ashkan Kazemi, Muhammad Khalifa, Namho Koh, Andrew Lee, Siyang Liu, Do June Min, Shinka Mori, Joan Nwatu, Veronica Perez-Rosas, Siqi Shen, Zekun Wang, Winston Wu, Rada Mihalcea.

Illinois Japanese ↔ English News Translation for WMT 2021 - Giang Ha Le, Shinka Mori, Lane Schwartz.

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